28 April 2013

Circular No 599 Extra

Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I. 
Caracas, 28 April 2013 No. 599 extra
Dear Friends,
Here is part II on the exchange regarding the E-book.
Subject: RE: The Book- King of Hearts -Ladislao 
Some of the comments have already been sent but I wanted it to be all together in Circular No.599. 
I always think that the ideas need to be left brewing for about half a year, by that time we can see better solutions. 
Do not forget to write me if you would like to improve the ideas on the Book. 
From: mckoy43glen@hotmail.com
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2012 14:06:38 +0000 
My Dear Jon & Brothers,  
Thank you again for your kind words, you are a genuine person, so you hope whoever you are connected with, also shares these same values, I read this about you before I knew you, in the circulars, so in extending my trust in you was easy ha! ha!   However, to keep something like our Club alive, it takes real people with true feelings to speak from their hearts, logically of course, this group is so unique, it must be handled with tender loving care, or it can easily slip away.   
2013 - Is even a more challenging year for all of us that keep this fire burning.   I must commend George for his injection of ideas ha! ha! and have kept the wheel turning the past two months, under all the life events that also took place.
Thank you to Nigel, Keeper of the list, new names are adding on every few months.  Are we close to our peak ?
This growth that we wished for a few years ago, is now here, the Club is packed,  we have the attention of many that want some kind of action, be it a Grand Reunion, or the small close knit get togethers, all are contributing to a real true connection of brotherhood.
Ladislao are still keeping the important stuff in the circulars and the only true records we have are all in the Circulars, and thank you to Don for keeping this blog going, as Ladislao doesn’t send out personal mail anymore, which I really miss, so do go to the blog and follow up on circulars.   
Sites- My site will keep sending jokes, general topics of interest whatever to keep the members.  Facebook, well it will stay alive but is also a public washroom, so some members may say hello, many of the boys from my time are on it a lot and have sort of taking it over with their chatter, but is not attracting the majority of the group.  I trust to relay only general messages on this site, I find open rude comments can also start, this is our visible alumni page, and just a place we may find a new brother,  Ideas of reunions etc. is what we will notify,  but I would like to keep all private stuff on email only.  For example,  Neil Charles is a nice guy, will always donate and will attend any reunion, but when he drinks and then goes on facebook to have a chat, with exceptional prose.  I have no control of that, this is embarrassing as brothers from around the world read this crap.   Thanks to Kazim for making this site, which is useful for ideas to circulate and quick comments of hellos, how yuh doing, small talk, but nothing to serious, which you know what happened in past discussions, that almost break the whole group, we have worked hard since then to restore and improve relationships & protecting our interest. 
Anyhow, my brother good friend Winston Ramsahai, has adopted this facebook site  for a while there, but when we sent emails to the Abbot, he had no comments, not one,  when we were raising funds for Cutty, he was trying to sell the books of the Abbot, then I asked if he is an agent for the Abbot ?  No comment, sorry these are just little pokes I take personally, I know George said awhile back we should put all our differences behind us now, and Jon also said awhile back, we have something strong now and should hold on to it, don't cause waves,  well I have kept that peace.  But I cannot carry these thoughts, so I am just washing my mind of these thoughts to you my brothers, we are not stupid ha! ha! 
Sorry back to the dreams.  #1)  I would like to know from Ladislao how much it would cost to print all the circulars as a book, coloured photos, the works, also all the Tales & Stories of brothers.  Nigel might be able to know about print also, I am willing to pay for two such books, Hard Copies, one for Ladislao and the other one will go to every Reunion as the Book, THE KING OF HEARTS, and updated as time goes on.  This would be my contribution to the Club, I would like feed-back from only the names cc. here.  We share here an opportunity to make something out of many hearts that seek our connection.
Let’s make it a Golden One, as we work together as an alumni of friends, that really care.   I'm not perfect, but you love me like I am anyway ha! ha!  That's what makes what we have so strong, because I love you guys too. As perfectly as I can. 
Wishing all my brothers & all their families all the best over the season, God Bless,
Long Live Our Club,
Glen McKoy. msb. 
Hola, Sir Freddy(Andres).   Muchas Gracias
This Elite Caracas Circle has been going on for quite some time now, a true sign of the brotherly love that do exist, and of course, they never stop talking about the Mount, music to our ears, jejeje  
I do admire Ladislao for his quest to join all the Circles, as we have seen in his works for decades. 
What baffles me is, he's already in a Perfect Circle of Friends, right in his home land, yet he reaches out to all of us.
How much can you ask of a Knight ?? 
Well that's when I say, what have I done in this Club lately?  Or what has the Club done for me this year?  
Made me laugh, made me cry made me think, made me know more of a class that disappeared in front of my eyes, a long time ago and still keeps in contact frequently. 
This Club objective is to work with the knowledge we have, in order to gain that great light of wisdom, from which all Knights are drawn. 
To experience this feeling, if it shines upon you, mi amigo, an intrinsic gift that is priceless, as a Castle in the Sky, on a mountain on an Island hidden under the Sun.
Where this Club was formed. 
Sending out our best regards to Jon, Anthony, Don & Gordon, also wishing Kazim a good recovery, Cheers Mis Amigos.
Adios, Glen McKoy. 
(Duncan's Cove, Nova Scotia, Canada.) 
From: amickiew@att.net
Subject: Re: Dec 21st get-together at Rotilicious, Ajax
Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2012 20:09:05 -0600 
Thanks for the update, Freddy. 
Your meals were delicious. 
I guess that you seem to have the same challenge in Venezuela with participation. 
As I recall, there are at least 30 alumni living in the Caracas area.  
On the political front, you have the governor elections this weekend and Chavez “recovering” in Cuba. 
When will you know about your Canadian residency application? 
Good luck, George. 
From: andresfedericofreytezborges
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2012 9:14 AM 
Good day all you Brothers, 
I can tell you we had a nice luncheon reunion yesterday back here in Caracas. 
Attendants :
Laszlo Kertesz
Gabor Hoefle
These two the Magyar representation 
Manuel Prada
We both the TriniVen  representation 
All four: Mount Boys 
Had beer, wine, Galician omelette, baked sweet peppers, squids...and a lot of Mount talk...someone denied of Mount Bread...wonder why...
Lamented not having the splendid Goat Roti and chilled Caribs served at Rotilicious.
Mickiewicz: Manuel asked of your whereabouts , I answered his question to the best of my knowledge ... 
Laszlo please send the photographs!!!!
We wish you have a wonderful time at your reunion.
Bless you all Brothers
Andres ( Freddy) Freites 
Subject: Dec 21st get-together at Rotilicious, Ajax
From: nigelboos@eagles-wings.ca
Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2012 09:59:19 -0500 
So far, here is the list of guys who have declared their intention to attend at the Dec 21st Rotilicious lime: 
        Dave "Bandit" de Castro and his wife, Jennifer
        Salah Wilson
        Hudson McKoy, his wife Lynda and son Gino
        Anthony Bhopa and his wife, Simone
        Carlos Guio
        Paul Dewan and Esther
        Jerry Chin Cham
        Bernard Stone and his wife, Maggie
        Cornel de Freitas, Mike and his 2 sons, Christian and Lorenzo
        Myself, and (if she's not swamped with cakes), Jackie 
        Negative response: Andres Freytes (he's in Venezuela) 
It's terrible that so few would even send a one-liner to me to let me know that they can't make it. (Perhaps one or two others might "just turn up.")
Anyway, we should have a great evening. Thanks for your concern.
On 2012-12-14, at 6:52 AM, Glen Mckoy wrote: 
Dear Nigel,
I am concernd about no replies to the invitation to the Toronto get-together at Rotilicious. 
If we cannot get a Yes or No to this, how the hell will we get people to Trinidad for 2014 grand plan. 
I am not impressed, if you can't attend send an email and say so, please if you live in Ontario. 
I am sending this to Don, Kazim & Ladislao, please put in the blog and the face book site, thank you 
Cheers, Glen. 
Subject: Re: Dec 21st get-together at Rotilicious, Ajax
From: nigelboos@eagles-wings.ca
Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2012 10:44:33 -0500 
Wonderful, Hudson. 
Good suggestion, to use Island Mix.
We've been there, investigated the idea, decided against it and reverted to Rotilicious for other reasons.
At the same time, I've invited everyone in the Ontario dB list to consider "hosting" an evening in their areas.
So far, only David Johnson has come forward and we had a great evening at his home in the Summer.
Other than that - not a bite!
So . . . . Rotilicious it is, at least for the time being.
Look forward to seeing you and Lynda. What about Dino?
On 2012-12-12, at 9:27 PM, hudsonmckoy@aol.com wrote: 
Hi Nigel,
We will try to make it to the Get-Together...have you ever considered doing it at another location?
I believe 'Island Mix' is close by and located in Pickering and has good food & entertainment...let me know your thoughts...
Hudson, Lynda & Gino
From: kazim2u@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: The Book- King of Hearts -Ladislao
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2012 08:42:07 -0500 
Hi, my dear brothers, I would also like to add my support to this project.
And I will share my ideas after the holidays.
At present I am in Sweden getting treatment and therapy.
And I am not fully active with you all as before.
However, kindly bear with me.
Just one thought to share on the digital photo book database, when I fist met Jon on January 2009 at Fr Benedict's funeral, the brief words he shared with me was to safeguard the privacy of the boys with respect to the website I created.
So, that is a thought also, a password site. 
Anyhow, will share more again.
Take care, love you guys, and hello from winter wonderland Sweden......Kazim
Ladislao Kertesz at kertesz11@yahoo.com,
12LK0001LKEGRP, Reunion Caracas Xmas
58IF0006IFAGRP, Isaias Facheg
62UN0001CLASS66, Class photo Gregory Farfan.
61GF0006SIGNATURES, rear of the class photo

27 April 2013

Circular No 599

Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I. 
Caracas, 27 April 2013 No. 599
Dear Friends, 
Here is Part 1 on the exchange regarding the E-book.
Subject: RE: The Book- King of Hearts - Ladislao 
Some of the comments have already been sent but I wanted it to be all together in Circular No.599. 
Sadly I must remind you that the author, Fr. Mark Tierney, of the last two books on Mt. St. Benedict is no longer with us, he was on loan from Ireland and now getting his reward in heaven. 
This is not to frighten anyone but a reminder that time runeth, hahahah. 
From: mckoy43glen@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: The Book- King of Hearts -Ladislao
Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2012 15:42:25 +0000 
Dear Shaun, 
Thank you for you quick reply. 
Now Ebooks is a suggestion, but because of the personal nature of our material, we would like to keep it as private as possible, for now.
I would suggest we should purchase a good download, for what meets our specific requirements. 
Maybe with Ebooks.
It’s on the list.
Cheers mi amigos, adios
Subject: Re: The Book- King of Hearts -Ladislao
From: sgianetti@mac.com
Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2012 11:15:33 -0400 
You can publish it to Kindle as a free or paid download.
Setting up a Kindle publishing account is not hard.
I have one for my future books on it.
Kindle eBooks can be published from PDF and Word docs
Easy peasy!!
Shaun Gianetti
On Dec 17, 2012, at 10:34 AM, Glen Mckoy <mckoy43glen@hotmail.com> wrote: 
My Dear Don & Nigel,
Don, this is an excellent suggestion to this and a good start, I will be glad to sponsor this.
Yes Nigel, we will put everything we can get our hands on, photos etc. 
Of course our data base is an essential part of who we are, it’s our only proof of who did attend. Don, you seem to have a good vision of what's going on.  At this point your suggestions will be our starting point, Nigel's Photo  Album Template, is a good place to start. 
As a dreamer I see the dreams clearly, but not the hard work that goes into it ha! ha!
Anyhow nothing wrong with aiming really high.   As we digitize our history, it will also be our central source for photo albums, books of stories & tales, biographies etc.  and maybe, an Historical Documentary  of our School. Resulting in a film.  That's another story ha! ha!. 
Any how I would like to invite two younger brothers to attending this discussion, and we need some young blood also ha! ha!  Any how, Mr. Shaun Gianetti (Mr. Apple.Mac) and a great mind, who have expressed many positive views, with regards to projects in this Club before, and have earned a mutual respect from the upper circles.  The other brother I would like to invite is Mr. Gabriel Faria, who is now well known for his Solo Crusade for a fund for Cutty, and also a Media Expert, and his comments and suggestions will be highly regarded also, as we do this in the best and most economical way.   A few good minds, can create something that will make many feel proud to be a mount boy, forever in time. 
As we slowly approach this project, we must decide what would be the best web site, where a few people from a few countries will be able to work on, what-ever- where-ever, Ladislao is the owner of most of the contents, his decision will be final on the process we take.
Thanking all my brothers, for their time to share in these discussions, which we will be jumping into Jan. 2013.  
Best regards to all for the Christmas Season, your faithfully Glen McKoy.
From: idmitch@anguillanet.com
Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2012 05:28:49 -0400 
Just a couple of thoughts. 
The book need not be on paper.  It could be put together in digital form only.  It would cost little or no money.  At least that would be a start, and we could see what happens later.  The cost of a suitable website on which to host the book might not be much.  There may even be a suitable, free website. 
Perhaps, we could use Nigel’s Photo Album as a template.  We might also include in it a version of Nigel’s OB database.  That is too valuable an artefact for it to be left in an ephemeral form.
From: Nigel Boos
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2012 1:10 AM 
A book is a great idea, Glen.
Might I suggest that the "MSB Photo Album" which I had prepared some time ago, could be of some use in this project.
In case you no longer have it, here's the link again: 
On 2012-12-16, at 2:00 PM, Glen Mckoy wrote: 
My Dear Ladislao & Brothers, 
Thank you for the reply, and some good comments.  The editing team is in the making from before.  Kazim was looking after biographies.  Don, have the chronicles of the Circulars.
Anthony Cintra did say he would help in some way, with a book of the Tales of The Knights of White Stones.  Bandit have a good book, where we will get some good live stories about the Mount, of course with his permission.  Nigel, Jon, Cornel and George are very nice writers of the English language, and would make excellent proof readers, and of course there are others that we have not called upon yet.  The Challenge is putting it together as a Story.  Putting things in the right time frame, this is time consuming, but the end result will be amazing.  This is an impossible mission, I would like to say two years should be enough time, if well organized.   I know Cornel’s son Michael, is excellent with computer programs and may be a big help technically.  I will pay for some services.  If it becomes too costly, we will ask for a contribution.   To all my brothers mentioned here, please do give us your thoughts on this project, only in the infancy stage but a plan, how do we approach this enigma, ha! ha!  Hey George the Reunion starting to sound easier.  Well we will continue with this in the new year.
Cheers mis amigos, feliz navidad, adios
Glen McKoy
From: ladislaokertesz@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: 2013 - The Club / Another Challenging year.
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2012 14:59:44 +0000 
The book idea is not bad, I did such a book when I was editor for the Local Radio Club, Glen
But I believe that it needs editing as there are a lot of comments that are superfluous.
Let see,  
600 Circulars x average 5 pages (one page for photos) = 3000 pages 
I am flabbergasted at the amount of nonsense that I have managed to put together, hahahaha
No wonder there are holes in the computer keyboard. 
600 x 4 = 2400 photos, lot of clicks. 
And not counting the book of the Knights etc. that should be edited as a separate entity, because it needs to be set up in chapters and some of the ideas finalized, to make the Tale a unit. 
God Bless
From: jon@goldings.net
Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2012 18:10:53 +0000 
I am very happy I have got to know you over the past year especially and it is as if I have known you for all my life.
We are on the same page, Bro’ and I have to mention how much I admire what you have done in creating this small but close online club which will only get stronger.
You have a great natural talent to bring people together and keep them interested.
Don’t ever change.
Love to all your family and wishing you God’s Grace in 2013.
From: Glen Mckoy [mailto:mckoy43glen@hotmail.com]
Sent: 15 December 2012 18:00
Dear Jon,  
Thank you for your Christmas Greetings, a time for Jesus not Santa ha! ha! I pray we leave this sad month soon and start all over with a new year, and a new chapter in our Club.  The union that is going on now is wonderful, the support to each other in so many ways.  This Union means a lot more to me, more than a Reunion, however I support whatever that will draw us together in a positive way.  I don't know if it’s a age thing or what, but many are seeking to make contact.    Jon, I wish you and your family a peaceful and loving Christmas, and the best of health in the new year, and looking forward to your continued support, in sharing and helping us, in this our little Club.  
Sending you our love,
Glen McKoy & Marian Dempsey. (Nova Scotia, Canada). 
From: jon@goldings.net
Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2012 17:35:33 +0000 
Greetings and best Christmas wishes to you all.
Christmas is a time for giving, but more in spirit and love -  than in lovely presents and liquid spirits (Although they help with the first part!!)
May the New Year bring us blessings we will deserve if we help those who deserve but cannot help themselves.
Let us also remember in our prayers those parents whose little ones will not be there to share this Christmas with them or any other!
Wishing all my Mount brothers a healthy, meaningful and happy new year!
Warm regards
Jon Golding 
From: Glen Mckoy [mailto:mckoy43glen@hotmail.com]
Sent: 15 December 2012 16:02
Dear George, Nigel & Freddy (Andres). 
I just got back from Toronto a few weeks ago and it’s too close to Christmas to attend the Roti Lime.  I stay in Nova Scotia with the Kids for Christmas.  It’s the only time I want it to snow ha! ha!   
Anyhow my point was, if I lived in Toronto, I would send a note or a call, or make some kind of contact.  Yes I would like to attend or no I am unable to attend.  No big deal, it’s just saying to us, you are still out there, because I do care as half of the guys that don't reply, are on my list ha! ha! so I know they are there, somewhere in Cyber Space of course.
A fact- There are over 60 knights reading this email, right now, if you send ah joke, every body laugh ha! ha! then ah big hush.  like if they shy.  If is one thing for sure, this Club will keep you amused, ha! ha! 
George, I like the one about the thief on the mount in your time.  Well during my time, (1968-73) Man ah lost count of the thieves, is the kleptomaniacs I was worried about ha! ha! some stories I would love to tell yuh man, but due to the Club rules, I cannot call names or write anything that may cause any harm to a fellow mount boy, however in a Circle of Knights, we can share our secrets in confidence, we remain invisible, no comments as we listen carefully, ha! ha!
Oh yeah George,  About the 2014 Great Reunion,  Bandit saying now, he will only stay in a really nice hotel like the ones in Florida, so this would have to be the best hotel in Trinidad o.k.  I am offering to stay in the same hotel, I guess, there will be a lot of couples that could really put the numbers up, for discount bookings eh?  Whatever, I know me and Bandit will end up fighting, if we in the same hotel ha! ha!,  After the reunion in Trinidad, Ah going to Margarita, ha! ha!
Ladislao Kertesz at kertesz11@yahoo.com,
CGE bulletin page 3,
150693LK12FB12, Fr. Hilderbrand Greene, in Guyana.
09LK1844TTVISITBOOK, Fr, Mark Tierney, author